Studio River collaborated with brand design agency Buzz Brother to create a series of videos for Ploom and Mevius about their new option flavors : Yellow (lemon), Purple (blueberries), Green (muscat) and Red (apple).
The team worked cleverly on animation and rendering concepts to highlight the freshness of Mevius tastes. 
Experimentation, 3D animation of frost device


3D animation of liquid explosion and ice breaking


R&D around ploom X design

Direction : Studio River & Buzz Brothers
Animation + Compositing + Editing : Keyvan Nourian, Alexandre Scariot, Pierrick Selva
Storyboarding : André Barbosa Silva
Concept & Design: Fabian Aerts, Alexandre Scariot, Keyvan Nourian
RND : Alexandre Scariot, Keyvan Nourian
Houdini Simulation : Florian DKS 
Sound Design : Keyvan Nourian
Music : Buzz Brothers

Client : Ploom
Agency : Buzz Brothers
Aurélie Chassot, Loic Moreau, Amanda Balet, Lucie Gillot

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